Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Raising Old Glory

Today is the 65th Anniversary of the brave and historic raising of the flag on Mt. Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima. Here's the famous photograph taken by Joe Rosenthal:

A diagram of the photo indicating the six men who raised the flag: Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley (†), Michael Strank (†), John Bradley, Rene Gagnon and Harlon Block (†).(†) = Killed on Iwo Jima

As you can see from the diagram above, 3 of these 6 men were killed before the battle ended.

Below is a an amazing film made in Technicolor and put together shortly after the war that documents the taking of the island. The film is 19 minutes long, but it's truly inspiring to see what kind of men gave their lives to preserve our liberties. We must be reminded of the high, even immeasurable, price that was paid for our freedom!! We must not be like Esau, who sold his heritage for a pot of soup. Our freedom is worth much more than a puff of hot air from an empty politician.

Semper Fidelis!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Curly Headed Rebel vs. Persistent Mama

Last week, the Curly Headed Rebel got a "big-girl" bed.

This is what happens when you walk out the door after putting Curly Headed Rebel to bed:

The second time:

The third time: (and I could go on and on.......)

This is what finally happens after the Persistent Mama stands outside the Curly Headed Rebel's door for 2 hours:

And this is what the Curly Headed Rebel's hair looks like after a night of adventure:

And this is proof that the Curly Headed Rebel can still outsmart Persistent Mama (who thought she slept all night) after all:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Government 101

Here's a great explanation of why we must fight tooth and nail to preserve our unique form of government, which is a Constitutional Republic (NOT a democracy!!). Most people don't even have a clue what our government is actually called, much less the importance of not surrendering our liberties to the tyranny of the urgent. Our founding fathers were not only brilliant in mind, but they also had a firm understanding of history and Scripture. They were heavily influenced by the writings of Samuel Rutherford and his book Lex Rex, Latin for "Law is King". The King is not Law, but instead the Law is higher than the King. The Law is not just a bunch of man-made rules, but it is inspired by and consistent with the character and nature of Almighty God. We have a right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness because God has granted this to His creation, not because our government grants it to us. God established government and gave it the sword simply to protect the innocent and restrain evil (Romans 13). The moment we begin to think that our rights come from our government, those rights are in serious jeopardy. If government gave them to us, government could take them away. However, our right to freedom comes from Above, and we must stand against any self-deluded tyrant who places himself on such a pedestal!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Somebody's having a bad hair day....

but she's not letting it get her down!

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So precious!!

This video was just an impromptu performance by a couple who was staying at the Mayo Clinic. Their story is told elsewhere in an interview on YouTube, and there is also another performance of this same song that they performed after this video became a YouTube hit. It's just so cute! They have been married 62 years.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Anatomy of a Picture

Is it really too much to ask for just one decent shot of 2 wild but handsome boys? Evidently so.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Caterpillar

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Presidents Day!

This is such a cool video!! And in honor of Presidents Day, I am going to try very hard not to say anything negative about the Marxist imposter we have in the White House today.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

There Was a Little Girl by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.

And when she was good,
She was very, very good,

But when she was bad, she was horrid!

(my glasses)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mama, can we shave?

Boys always have to go to the extreme!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dissing America

Dissing America

Above is a link to a great article by Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American
(LOL, I laugh every time I read his self-made title. Go Lloyd!!)


This is the most asked question of every day, and you always cringe until you discover where the little stinker is...Today, however, was pretty harmless (unless you consider the iPod she swiped). She was on my bed, with the covers pulled back, playing quietly on an iPod. Then she slyly pretended to be snoring! She's so funny. (This video might have been longer but you can hear the boys screaming and fighting in the background...oh, well)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I have a confession to make...

We all know that blogs and Facebook profiles, etc., can be a little misleading. We always show our "best" sides, and can make life look just a little bit more "zippity doo-dah" than it might actually be. Well, I may have led you to believe that I have fairly normal children.

I have lied.
They are crazy. Just see these pictures below.

Every week, I head to the bank to make the weekly paycheck deposit, and it just so happens that we have a very friendly drive-thru teller. She always pays attention to the kids, counts them, asks how they are, and of course sends the famous suckers along with my receipt. As a result, my kids have made it their life's mission to make her laugh. Yes, it embarrasses the fool out of me, but they just get such a kick out of it (and she does too) that I endure.
I have 2 sources of hope: 1. Jason just signed up for direct deposit (PTL!) and 2. the picture below:
KK, 12 years old, has finally acquired enough dignity to be embarrassed by acting like an idiot. THERE IS HOPE.

Obviously, from the picture below taken in 2008, he hasn't always been this way.

They can embarrass you terribly, but how boring life would be without them!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Old Deluder

HOW FAR WE'VE COME!! Check out this law passed in 1647 the Massachusetts Colony by the Puritans. It is credited as the original call for "public" education in America. Notice two things: First, it is based on local community control (certainly the opposite of our failed Federal Department of Education). Secondly, notice that the whole purpose behind any kind of public instruction was simply to arm the population with the ability to read God's Word. It's actually entitled "The Old Deluder Act", in reference to the that old liar Satan, who roams about seeking whom he may devour.

The Old Deluder Act (1647)
From Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (1853), II: 203

It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former times by keeping them in an unknown tongue, so in these latter times by persuading from the use of tongues, that so that at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with false glosses of saint-seeming deceivers; and to the end that learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors.

It is therefore ordered that every township in this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty households shall forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read, whose wages shall be paid either by the parents or masters of such children, or by the inhabitants in general, by way of supply, as the major part of those that order the prudentials of the town shall appoint; provided those that send their children be not oppressed by paying much more than they can have them taught for in other towns.

And it is further ordered, that when any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school, the master thereof being able to instruct youth so far as they may be fitted for the university, provided that if any town neglect the performance hereof above one year that every such town shall pay 5 pounds to the next school till they shall perform this order.

That old deluder has certainly been busy. Now we have a President who is seeking to educate the next generation on the principles (and I use that word loosely) and teachings of Saul Alinsky through his new Organizing for America. I guess I should mention the fact that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to the old deluder himself, Lucifer.

Here's a brief biography from Brannon Howse about Saul Alinsky. Once you've studied this man's philosophies and strategies, you can almost feel the forked tongue hissing in your face every time you hear the President speak.

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Things First

Haven't had much time for blogging lately, but we didn't miss a single school lesson all week! Homeschooling is a lot of hard work, but I'm so thankful I have the privilege of seeing this little toothless face every morning. I'm so glad I didn't give anyone else the honor of giving him the gift of reading.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Remember what it was like to have a President that LOVED our country?

This is a pretty amazing video of President Reagan campaigning AGAINST Harry Reid. If only........