Call me a "Birther", a crazy, right-wing nut who actually thinks that Barack Obama should have to comply with the law and show proof of his U.S. birth before being allowed to hold the highest position in the land.
Below is a video made by Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, explaining his actions and reasons for refusing deployment until Obama does what Little League baseball players are required to do to play ball: show his birth certificate (the REAL one, the long form, which he has NOT produced).
Before you criticize Lt. Col. Lakin, perhaps you should research his exemplary record. I've heard criticisms such as, "Obama is our President. He should just accept that and obey orders." But the question is:
Are we a nation of law? Or a nation of popular vote? Just because Obama was elected by the people as President, doesn't mean he is above the law. That's the one thing that has seperated America from all other nations in the world: Lex Rex, the Law is King (vs. the King being the Law). We are not a democracy living at the mercy of 50%+1; instead, we are a Constitutional Republic, that provides the safety net of laws to which even our leaders (especially our leaders) are held accountable.
That's why our U.S. soldiers take an enlistment oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and THEN to obey the orders from the President. A soldier who puts his life on the line has every right, and also an obligation, to question whether the President himself is an enemy of the Constitution. The Consitution is the Law; not the President (despite what Hollywood says.
I'm thankful that there are still soldiers who take this oath seriously, and ask you to join me in praying for Lt. Col. Lakin, as he has been charged with 2 counts by the U.S. Army.
And if you're interested in getting the facts about the birth certificate saga, World Net Daily and Joseph Farah have an exhaustive and well-researched archive:
WND Complete Archive: Is Obama Constitutionally Eligible to Serve as President?
Also, Alan Keyes is on top of this story and many others. His blog is
Eh , I have been called worse :P
When you think about it this is all so unbelievable and if it had been a republican or independent I can almost assure you that we would have seen the "real" birth certificate.
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