Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive.....

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I've been extremely tired (too tired to even type if you can believe that!) due to some pregnancy related glucose problems, but I am still here!

These past few weeks have been very hard, but my family has been so great to pitch in and help!
Seth, always ready to help with meals. (He makes great tea.)

Bubbie, content to play quietly at KK's desk.

Sis folding laundry

KK, keeping things picked up
The kids are caught up on their laundry, but Mom's been a little behind...of course the boys don't seem to mind.
I've received so many rude and disrespectful remarks about being pregnant with my fifth child. Everyone seems to think that all I do all day long is laundry and housework. Granted, I do plenty of those things, but there's so much more to my life that makes it very rich and full. Often times, the look on someone's face (disgust) says more than their words, but I hear things like, "Better you than me!" "You must be a glutton for punishment!" "Don't you know what causes that?" "I bet you stay busy!" I usually say something like, "Yes, I'm busy, but isn't everyone? I just like to keep busy with something that's worth my time." (That's the Christian translation of "Trust me, lady, if my kids acted like yours, I'd have had my tubes tied years ago!" As my friend, Leah-Joy has said, the Lord helps one control her tongue!)
I'm so thankful for my husband and children, as well as mine and Jason's parents, for all the help and support they've given me these past few weeks, and always.


Leah-Joy said...

Thanks for putting the link on there!
Mama got some very rude remarks when she was pregnant with Baby Girl! One lady asked her why in the world would she want to ruin her family? I guess she was thinking that having another girl wasn't a good idea but I don't know what our family would do without her!

Melanie said...

You have such and wonderful family and you have done such an excellent job training them. They truly enjoy being helpers in the home.

Deborah said...

People can be so rude to an expectant mother! You keep your faith and keep doing exactly what you are doing...it's hard to make a stand against so strong a current, but the Lord gives us quiet strength to do so. Our children's lives will speak louder than our words.

I love you and miss you,