Monday, April 13, 2009

National Protest a "What" Day?!

Today is National Protest a _________(something) Day. There is a group of people who have been planning for months to set aside April 13 as a day to protest something that they claim is a great injustice to society.

Let's see....could it be....

child abuse?
or world hunger?
maybe homelessness?
government tyranny?

No, unfortunately these and many other of society's "injustices" will go unprotested today, while the Feminist Majority Foundation, and all its college campus chapters have decided to protest crisis pregnancy centers today. They're uniting to stand against the evil forces who offer pregnancy tests, support, parenting classes, adoption referrals, accurate information, baby clothes and supplies, maternity clothes, diapers, formula....ALL FOR FREE! The nerve!

Now, let's just be honest here. What kind of shameless 20-something young woman stands out on the street and screams, "I want my birth control!"? (I heard one foul-mouthed heathen comedian say that he knew where to pick up pro-choice rallies....Draw your on conclusions!) We're not exactly talking about the moral foundation of our society here. Of course, when you devote your life to the assault and murder of little unborn babies, I guess manners and common decency automatically take a back seat.

I can't really refute what these women are saying in this video above, because hardly a word of it is true. CPCs are not "fake" as their campaign charges. They do not advertise falsely. At our CPC , it states all over everything...every form, every advertisement, every brochure, that we are not a medical clinic and do not perform or refer for abortions. They claim that we are funded by millions of taxpayer dollars. Nevermind that $250 million of Planned Parenthood's $766 million annual income came from the government, courtesy of you and me!

First of all, it is true that under President Bush's Faith Based Initiative program, some money has been set aside for crisis pregnancy centers. As of 2006, 50 of the more than 3,000 U.S. centers had accepted money. The total for all grants from 2001-2006, a 5 year period, was under $60 million. Hardly even close to rivaling Planned Parenthood.

Secondly, LMO and the vast majority of all CPC's do not and WOULD NOT take any federal money. Our center is funded by churches and our community. Our annual budget is around $30-35,000. Our volunteers are overworked. The 2 paid staff we have work for practically nothing. And just for the record, both of them volunteered for years until our board was able to offer them what amounts to a small love offering for their weekly commitments to keep the center open. I guarantee you that no Planned Parenthood employees would sacrifice what our volunteers give. Our volunteers do it because they love young women and unborn babies and the Lord Jesus Christ. Not filthy lucre.

I wish, for the sake of accurate reporting, that I could post some of the protests that pro-aborts stage against pro-lifers. Unfortunately, I will not compromise my audience with the kind of foul language and lasciviousness that accompanies these protests. But I do want to share with you one story that has truly touched me. Please take time to read the full story of Paster Walter Hoye , a true American and Christian hero. He has just been released from jail, after serving a short sentence for standing across from an abortion clinic with a sign that reads, "Jesus loves you and your baby. Let us help." Christians, Americans, Patriots, you should be appalled at the unfair treatment of this man. When you watch the video below, you will be screaming, "Where is the First Amendment???!!!!"

Do you see what is happening? This is surveillance video that was used by the court to send him to jail. He is peacefully walking down the sidewalk with his sign, while PP workers are constantly walking alongside of him, covering up his sign with their blank sign every time a car or person passes by. AND THE PASTOR GOT ARRESTED???AND WENT TO JAIL????

Today, I'm calling on all my Christian brothers and sisters to please pray for crisis pregnancy centers all over America. They are probably the most effective pro-life witness we have in this deluded culture today. They provide a haven for young women in crisis who are being hunted down by money-hungry abortionists. It's a place where they can hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus, and receive love and support throughout the pregnancy and afterwards. It's a place where they can hear the TRUTH, something that is hard to find these days.

"Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters......and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. Therefore the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people....And he gave them into the land of the heathen, and they that hated them ruled over them......Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him.....and were brought low for their iniquity." Psalm 106:37-43


Melanie said...

Utterly speechless!

Jessie said...

I couldn't even watch all of the last video. I can't believe he went to jail!!!More people need to do that !!! God bless that man!!!

Macey said...

What has our world come to? That is pittiful!

Love Yall