Thursday, November 12, 2009

Applesauce and Mashed Potatoes

Well, we've lost 3 teeth total between these 2 brown-eyed boys in less than a week. No corn on the cob any time soon!


Kristy... said...

My Anna just lost her second on the bottom and she said "now I cant have corn on the cob" and I told her "oh dont worry, corn is not in season here at this time, so nows the best time to loose them"

WHat cute boys you got there!

Kristy... said...

ok I just realized I CANT spell lol

Melanie said...

Jenna says " Oh look at my boyfriends"
Whatever are we going to do? : )

Tara said...

"Two brothers.....
In love with the same woman....
Who will she choose?"

This will make a great Lifetime movie!