Here's a video I took of Summer last night. I just love this stage of childhood! Highlights: - You'll notice her new "fake laugh" - She loves to look in the mirror and make faces, and you can see she's already got the best of one side of that mirror -She's saying, "couch" when her lips are all puckered -Right at the end when she's running back toward the camera, she's doing her "granny walk" as we call it (meaning, she's got to go to the bathroom)
Normally, I would never share a video of myself speaking. (I guess it's years of phone calls that go like this: Me "Hello?" Other person "Is your Mommy home?" LOL)
However, I was so excited about some recent information we discovered about abortion statistics in Polk county, that I just had to share! Life Matters Outreach is the crisis pregnancy center that I started in 2001. It's been a labor of love on my part, and a huge teaching opportunity between me and the Lord, as He has taught me to trust Him and put my family FIRST, and not let my ambitions get the best of me. Our center is small, but we've always tried to glorify God in the little things. No child has ever been taken to a daycare center while his mother came to LMO to council, we've stuck to the King James Bible, and we've patiently waited on the Lord to send volunteers to us rather than aggressively "recruiting" them.
It's been hard on me in recent years with my growing family and the responsibility of homeschooling. I've given up going to LMO on a weekly basis, however, I do a lot of work from home (usually in the wee hours of the night). This isn't quite as rewarding as seeing firsthand results while counciling regularly, and yet I was so excited to see the decline in abortion rate in our county. I just had to take a moment on my personal blog journal here and give God the glory for what He's done through LMO.
This is part of an annual Memorial for the Unborn that the Polk County Christian Coalition organizes every year. They always ask for me to come and give a report for our center.
(Note about quality of video: My amateur camera girl, 11 years old, takes great pictures but hasn't quite mastered video. You might want to take a swig of Emetrol before watching this if you're prone to motion sickness. She also cut off about the first 30 seconds. In all fairness, the wind was blowing WILDLY that day, as you can see from the hair in my mouth LOL. I wasn't about to let go of my paper to remove that hair, because I knew my paper would be across the road in no time! FYI, this is on the court house steps downtown.)
This seems to be the phrase of the day, as we are constantly in anticipation of what mischief our little girl will find next, like......
deleting everyone's apps off their iPods (you need not think you can hide it from her; she has a built in "find my iPhone" feature)
waking up with gum in her mouth, which she did NOT go to bed with (she MUST be part owl or bat or cat or something, because the real fun begins when the sun goes down)
well, how can I say this politely? ummm, "passing gas" loudly in church....NOT once, mind you, but TWICE in the same service! definitely no more chocolate milk in Sunday School!
putting food in empty boots for a little surprise later on
pretending like she's eating while really putting the food in her shirt, under the table, in the window sill, in a laundry basket of freshly cleaned clothes, etc.
01/07/2011 Major John Jackson like most other soldiers has missed many Christmases, birthdays and Holidays with his family. But, he never thought he would be forced to endure Christmas without his children while his wife sat alone at home and his children were separated into 3 different homes. A nightmare that a seasoned war veteran never envisioned that not only threatens his family, but has put into motion the permanent destruction of his family.Major Jackson is a passionate husband and family man who is a devout Christian and a patriotic American. Still on active duty, he understands the risks and the sacrifices that he has committed to each day when he dons his uniform to uphold the US Constitution. As a decorated Major in the US Army, he has acknowledged his willingness to give up his life in defense of all Americans. He is stunned and in complete disbelief that a system exists in the United States of America that he claims has “stripped him of both Constitutional and Civil Rights”. Read the rest of this article here.
A few weeks ago, I heard Michael Farris from HSLDA giving a radio interview about a speech he recently made (which was also developed into an article for the HSLDA Court Report) about what he calls the third wave of homeschool persecution. Farris was describing how the 1st two waves of persecution were based on false premises that have sense been proven untrue (that homeschooling couldn't compete, and that children suffered from lack of socialization). However, this 3rd wave is based on a true assertion, that homeschooling parents are teaching their children a set of values that conflict with mainstream society. Education elitists assert that parents who teach their children that a man should lead his family, that homosexuality and abortion are sins, and that there's only one way to heaven, are a threat to society and harming their children. It shook me to the core to hear Michael Farris, with a quivering voice, say that homeschoolers better get on their knees in prayer and prepare for the battle ahead.
We should certainly pray for our brothers and sisters who are living this nightmare. Christian parents everywhere (homeschooling or no) are in danger of being in the same position!
"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." Hebrews 13:3
statesman: (noun) a person who exhibits great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues
How we need a statesman now, as the Usurper in Chief turns his back on our long-time allies (Egypt and Israel) and embraces violent jihad for the world!
"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31
It was a glorious weekend on the 23rd when Jason had the privilege of baptizing our oldest child. Thank God for His faithfulness in answering our prayers, and thanks to our church for being the kind of place where our children can get saved.
Thanks to Bro. Tony for sharing some of his pictures with me!