Saturday, January 23, 2010


Check out this cake my sister made me for my birthday. It's an iPhone text screen! Thanks, Keri! I love it!

- Posted using my iPhone


Tammy Real-McKeighan said...

What a nice cake!
And it's great to hear a woman refer to herself as a help-meet. Our pastor used that term in our wedding almost 20 years ago!
I've noticed that you like to read. If you get time, please stop by my Web site at
I have a blog there and (please forgive the shameless self-promotion) about five excerpts from my book, which is a compilation of Christ-centered columns that I write for the Fremont Tribune newspaper in Nebraska. You also may read my columns at
Bless you for your work in spreading the Gospel!


Melanie said...

Great cake! She could not have picked a better theme.