but on the other hand, you'll be happy to know that thanks to PETA, there will be no more kiss-a-pig contests at a Georgia high school, no more greased pig chases in West Virginia county fairs, no more frog jumps in the Florida Pumpkin Festival, and no more traumatized chimpanzees will have to lend their cute little faces to SEGA game commercials.
After all, we are a compassionate nation, right?
Jan. 22, 1973 - Jan. 22, 2009
36 years of legalized abortion
50 million dead
Wow, I stumbled upon your post after clicking on my Help Meet link to show other bloggers who have it listed as one of their favs...powerful post here. I'm incredibly saddened by the statistics. It disturbs me to have a government allowing abortion. It disturbs me more that we have so many young women choosing it! I read somewhere once how abortion doesn't change the fact that you were a mother, now you are just a mother of a dead child. How empty these women must feel sooner or later. I'd love to see these numbers drop, not just because we had a government standing against it, but also because we had more young ladies being trained up in the Lord's Word.
Thanks for your input, Jamie. I believe that at this point, our only hope is to train up a generation in the Lord. The government has failed in raising our kids, but parents armed with the Gospel Truth can accomplish much through Christ!
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