As most of you probably know, January is Sanctity of Life Month. It has been so designated, since January is the month in which the infamous, illegal, Constitutionally ignorant decision "Roe vs. Wade" was handed down, instantly legalizing abortion in all 50 states.
Since then, we pro-life Americans have been fighting to save babies. Unfortunately, we have only gained "baby steps" (if you will) of progress; only managing to regulate or restrict abortion, but never outlawing it or repealing the Roe vs. Wade decision.
On the heels of my last post regarding change, I want to bring attention to 4 major changes regarding the sanctity of human life, that will take place almost immediately in our new Obama administration. I'm going to limit myself to ONLY changes regarding abortion and life issues, and I will only briefly discuss these. I urge you to take time to read up on any of these topics that you aren't familiar with.
1. MEXICO CITY POLICY. Our beloved President Ronald Reagan signed an executive order that prevented U.S. foreign aid money (tax payer money) that is sent abroad, from going to agencies that perform or promote abortion. Of course President Clinton revoked this order during his administration, and then President Bush restored it, and even expanded the limitations to include family planning organizations that even counsel about abortion. President-elect Obama has said that he will immediately revoke this order, paving the way for taxpaying Americans to help fund abortions abroad. (FYI, 46 million abortions per year are performed worldwide, 78% of those occurring in developing, poor countries that receive our aid). Unlike laws which take time to pass and implement, an executive order is signed and goes into effect immediately.
2. HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH (CREATING LIFE JUST FOR THE PURPOSE OF KILLING IT). As promised, President-elect Obama will not only lift the restrictions (regarding government grants) placed by President Bush on tax-payer funded human embryonic stem cell research, but he will also sign into law, any bill placed on his Presidential desk that strikes down any limitations on this type of research. (President Bush vetoed just such a law in 2006.) It could rightly be said that adult stem cell research (which requires no taking of life and is Biblically ethical) is just as effective, if not more effective than, embryonic stem cell research....however, even IF that were not the case, it still is not right to destroy one life in hopes of saving another.
3. FREEDOM OF CHOICE ACT. Barack Obama has promised to make this his "top priority"; in fact, pledging to sign this as his first Presidential Action. What is it? Currently, our 50 states have over 300 laws restricting abortions, by means of parental notifications, waiting periods, full disclosures, bans on interstate abortions, etc., etc. The Freedom of Choice Act would repeal all of these laws, and also effectively repeal the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. In other words, everything that Christians have fought for in the past 36 years would immediately be overturned.
4. U.N. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD. As a man who was raised internationally, Obama will surely join the ranks of the elite (namely, our Supreme Court justices) who lately have turned away from our beloved Constitution, and turned toward international law when making legal decisions. This is disturbing enough in and of itself, but even more so when we consider what the United Nations is trying to shove down our throats. This "convention" (signed by every member nation except U.S. and Somolia) sounds so compassionate, but what it effectively does is take childrearing decisions out of the hands of loving parents, and place it into the hands of the government...the international government, at that!! I urge you to take time to explore my sidebar widget from to fully explore this issue, but the jist of it is this: that the "best interests of the child" shall be the ruling factor in all situations; the only problem is that these "best interests" are designed by the atheist state, and not by parents. (Imagine their take on the "abuse" of homeschooling!) And furthermore, that the "evolving capacities" of the child shall be considered in all situations. In other words, a 16 year old is much more "evolved" and mature than a 4 year old; therefore, he/she should be given a voice in his/her upbringing. Therefore, if little Susie wants to move in with her loving, mature boyfriend and her parents object, too bad. If little Johnny decides that he was born homosexual, his parents could go to jail for taking him to church to sit under a real preacher. (My sincere apologies to all the Susans and Johnnys out there...) It would be considered psychological abuse to force "religion" on your child, and you would have no say in whether or not your mature teenager (...uh-huh...) decides to have an abortion. Consider what this could mean to parents regarding homeschooling, vaccinations, sex education, evolution......
Folks, this is scary. I've conceded defeat on the abortion issue. We lost. Almost 50 million babies have died in the U.S. since Roe vs. Wade. That's not success. I still work and share the gospel message one on one at the crisis pregnancy center (which I believe is one of the few remaining effective outlets for pro-life work now), but by and large, we have lost on abortion. That breaks my heart, and I know that our work has not been in vain since it has not gone unnoticed by our Lord, but I can accept that we lost. I can accept that, and wait on the Lord to return and set all things right. But until then, STAY OUT OF MY LIVING ROOM! If you want to get pregnant 10 times and have 10 abortions, I can't stop you because I live in a nation that loves to kill babies. BUT STAY OUT OF MY LIVING ROOM! If you want to mock God and call Christianity a myth, do so at your own peril, BUT STAY OUT OF MY LIVING ROOM! AND KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY PRECIOUS KIDS!
Moms and Dads, if this convention is signed, things could change for us in a big way. It was originally ratified in 1989, and President Clinton toyed with the idea of bringing it before Congress, but didn't when he was faced with opposition. To his credit, President Bush never even discussed proposing it. However, there is much talk in the liberal Senate now of bringing it up for a vote, and Obama will surely jump on board if this happens. As a homeschooling, Christian mother of 5, this worries me above all the other changes we are set to endure the next 4 years.
Christians, it's time to get on our knees...not in fear, because God is still in control, and He wasn't suprised, as I was, on election night to find that common sense and decency in America was now the minority. But we need to get on our knees in earnest intercession for our nation and our children and their future. And we still remember that "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." Prov. 21:1
I really don't know what to say I just felt the need to comment. Awesome post. JR
This is pitiful, and the majority of folks just don't want to acknowledge it.
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