Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Suitable Helper

I enjoyed an article by Ruth Hunt called "The Suitable Helper" . She is the wife of Dave Hunt of The Berean Call. The article lists 10 ways that a wife can be a suitable helper to her husband. When you have time, the whole article is full of nuggets of wisdom, but I especially wanted to share parts 9 and 10:

Nine: A gracious wife accepts his love, however offered. Husbands are not all poets and romantics. They may work hard, be loyal, faithful, helpful, but have a problem saying the words she longs to hear. Love can be unspoken and just as real. Accept it.

Ten: Most important of all, the wise woman attends to her inner beauty because "Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who feareth the Lord will be praised," Proverbs 31:30 tells us. Those many virtues listed throughout chapter 31 add up to a zero if her relationship with the Lord is not the priority. So--number ten is really number one.


Kristy... said...

THANKS! Im off to read the whole thing NOW.

Parsley said...

#10 was a great reminder for me to hone in on that inner beauty that is there from God's presence in my life.

Thanks for the encouraging post.

Melanie said...

Love this post. Thanks