Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Okay. I'm going to do it. I'm going to get rid of Summer's passie. Next week. I am. (I've really gotten soft in my old age.)

We have a code word around here. It's "P.D.P" which stands for "passie, doodle, and peep-eye". They are Summer Rose's best friends, as you can see from the video below.

Peep-Eye is the stinky silk blanket. "Doodle" is actually a "Snoedel" doll that all my kids had as babies. Sis and Summer have truly LOVED their doodles. Here's one of my favorite pics of Sis with her Doodle when she was 2 years old. She and Doodle were helping me make biscuits. (I'm not going to say anything about the current whereabouts of Madelyn's own Doodle, since she is a faithful reader of my blog.)
Just for a little perspective, here is a photo of an as-yet unloved Snoedel:

I know some people are against passies, and of course some babies just won't have them, but being a preacher's wife and spending a lot of time occupying babies in church, I'm glad that all of mine loved a passie. However, with the boys I was very disciplined about taking the passie away at 1 year. The plan: no passie except during nap or night time for 1 month, then no passie at all. But the girls have been a little different.

Madelyn was such a miserable baby, having a severe milk allergy and reflux, and all that made her happy in this world was her brother KK and her passie and Doodle. I just didn't have the heart to take her happiness away so soon, so she kept hers until around age 2.

Now, I was already putting my usual plan into action just after Summer's 1st birthday when she fell and knocked her 2 front teeth into her gums. The dentist actually urged me to insist that she take a passie as much as possible to discourage her from putting any biting pressure on her teeth as they come back down. (Babies don't bite passies, they suck them.).

So, here we are 3 weeks away from her 2nd birthday, and I've put it off long enough!! This girl seriously is in love with that thing, and I know it's going to take nerves of steel on my part. The Doodle and Peep-eye can stay as long as she wants, but passie has to go!

I'm going to begin next Monday morning. So, by this time next week, as we head out the door, I'll shout, "Someone grab D.P.!" instead of the usual "P.D.P."

Why am I blogging this? Maybe to hold myself accountable. I guess I kind of feel like Pharaoh:

- Posted using my iPhone


Parsley said...

Good luck with that. Hopefully you can find ways of occupying her mind.

Melanie said...

If anyone has nerves of steel then it is you, my friend. I have complete confidence that you can finish the work that you start!

Kristy... said...

I would have to say, that the hard part has been done!!!! Keeping up with five kids AND the paci, blanket and doll??? WOA. I would say that your have more them proven that you have nerves of steal even taking on the tasks of keeping TRACK of these three precious objects! so, I Wish you luck but, I am quite sure you can handle it!!!!!!