Friday, October 26, 2007

Reason #1,562 to Homeschool

Below is a link to one of my favorite speakers/writers/talk show hosts/homeschool moms/culture analysts, Ingrid Schlueter. Slice of Laodicea , her website commentary on the modern church, was recently wiped out in a bizarre webhosting failure, so it isn't quite the voluminous resource it once was, but she is gradually rebuilding it. Click on the title of the article below to read it in its entirety.

Leaders Call for Christian Pullout from California Schools
Here’s a column regarding the recent signing of SB777 signed by California’s Gov. Schwarzenegger that will allow the indoctrination of school children as young as kindergarten about homosexuality. Christians leaders are rightly calling for the removal of children from Babylonian American public schools and for parents to educate their children according to God’s clear commands in Scripture. (See Deuteronomy 6.) Sending our Christian children to the atheists, the evolutionists, the activists who seek acceptance of sexual perversity is simply wrong. The idiotic idea that our kindergarteners will go off and be “salt and light” to their lesbian teachers is finally being exposed for what it is. No Israelite general in his right mind would have sent off a regiment of little children to face the Assyrian army. For that matter, last time I checked, 5-year-olds aren’t being sent to Iraq to battle the terrorists even today. There’s a reason for that. The battle that Satan is waging against our children is fierce and we as adults need to be the ones in the fray. Meanwhile, our children need to be growing in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, not the nurture and admonition of those who hate Christ and who actively teach lies like evolution.


Melanie said...

The folks that want to think that this stuff is happening just in the imaginations of paranoid homeschoolers should spend some time reading this.

Deborah said...

My husband and I visited your blog and enjoyed it! You have done a really great job with it, and it is VERY inspiring. Thank you. May your week be a blessed one.

Amy said...

Tara, I love her web site too. Ingrid has great shows on Cross Talk. Come to think of it, your Sunday school lessons remind me of her bold, Godly stand...