"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12
I wake up nearly every morning with at least a dozen things that absolutely have to be done that day. Then, my 24 hours run out, and they simply didn't all get done. Time seems to be my worst enemy. I am learning to let the Lord order my days, helping me to make out my "To Do" list (yes, I'm one of those cursed people who can't make a move without a list). At the top of my list is:
1. Pray for a quiet heart to meet whatever my day holds
2. Tell my husband I love him, show it, and greet him with a smile when he comes home (and hopefully with a straightened house and a pleasant smell of supper cooking, but no matter what, I can at least smile!)
3. Make eye contact and share a bear hug with each of my children.
After this, my list grows way too long to post here! I try to list things in order or priority, and not read too far ahead or I get ill and nervous. The point? The sun's still going to come up tomorrow no matter what's going on at your house, so you might as well be happy, and be the kind of person that your family can love. (Admit it, can't mamas be mean as bears sometimes?)
What, you say? No time listed for an hour of Bible reading and meditation, accountability partners, and MOPS, and women's small group studies? For me, at this point in life, I have learned to find the Lord in a pile of laundry, a sink full of dishes, in planning a healthy menu for my family, in applying band-aids and kisses, applying discipline, jumping on the trampoline, homeschool lessons, and a thousand other thankless tasks that I perform throughout the day. Why? Because this is who God wants me to be, and I can't do anything more spiritual than obey and submit to my role right now. ("to obey is better than sacrifice") I love my Bible and read whenever I can, usually every morning, but if my little ones get up and interrupt me, I have to lay it aside. I'm very thankful to have read and studied when I could before my life got so busy, and the Lord has carried me through with what's written on the table of my heart. He'll do the same for you too!
Have you hugged your family today?
You are such a blessing! This is just what I needed to hear today!
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